Shop & get in the game!
It was a daring end to a challenging year: a fun prize campaign designed to spark some much-needed joy. Thanks to our wonderful cardholders, coalition partners and media partners, we were able to pull it off. The Fun Lottery was a resounding success, a lot of fun, and proof of the power of positivity.
Congrats to all the winners!
- A brand-new Toyota Agya from Real Auto incl. 1 yr. of insurance from WIB, and 1 yr. of fuel from Petro Plus (f 100 p/m) - 360905543755
- A Triple Play package with choice of laptop or iPhone 12 from TelEm! - 360905751903
- 100,000 Fun Miles - 360600037822
- A Red Radio Remote Controlled Car from Real Auto incl. sunglasses, t-shirt, tool kit, tool box, coffee cup and more!- 360901829745