Now more than ever, every penny counts! Save up by paying for only HALF of your interest for as long as your loan lasts when you purchase your vehicle. Save up to AWG 14,773.91, with monthly payments starting as low as AWG 584.00.
As a family business, Yrausquin always strives to be a company that our community can rely on. If you are in need of a new vehicle, Yrausquin understands that making your monthly payments might make it more of a challenge for you to complete your purchase. They want to help by making sure that 50% of your total car loan interest is covered for as long as your car loan lasts. No maximum, no catch!
Your Benefits for buying now:
- Big Savings up to AWG 14,773.91
- Monthly payments as low as AWG 584.00
- Receive up to 20,000 Fun Miles Points to redeem for gifts, gasoline, parts, shoes, movies, and much, much more at one of the Fun Miles Partners
- Open the year 2021 in a brand new ride. Yrausquin Slices, You Drive!
What do you need to do? Click here choose your favorite vehicle from Yrausquin to receive Big Savings and lower monthly payments.
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